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Ultra Maniac OVA

Genre: Comedy/Drama
Company: Ribon
Format: 1 OVA
Dates: 8/6/2002

Tateishi Ayu is a pretty, popular tennis player at her school. One day, she comes across new student Sakura Nina crying in the hallway. Nina tearfully tells Ayu that she has lost something very valuable. When Ayu finds her missing item, she has no idea that her world is about to turn upside-down. Nina decides to repay Ayu for her kindness… with magic! What has Ayu gotten herself into?

summary by Madoka


Reviewed: 06/02/2003 by
Grade: 78% av-Madoka

Highs: Has potential; great introduction to a story

Lows: Poor soundtrack; too short to be anything but a teaser

The Ultra Maniac OVA is more of a pilot episode than anything else. Introducing cute characters, successful moments of comedy and a bit of romance, this OVA is a good setup for a full-fledged series.

Unfortunately, that’s all this episode is. Even though it holds its own as an individual story, viewers will definitely feel short-changed as the twenty-minute OVA ends. Ayu’s subtle struggle to be “cool” and catch Kaji’s affections are reminiscent of Yukino’s similar facade in His and Her Circumstances, giving me the impression that this series has the potential to be more than a typical magical girl show.

Animation-wise, the character designs switch between normal and exaggerated styles to enhance the comedic moments. The music, on the other hand, is sparse and forgettable with no opening and ending themes other than what sounds like an instrumental version of a 1950s pop song.

This OVA is based on a manga title written by the creator of Marmalade Boy. If its predecessor is any indication of what might be in store for this series, romance fans will be in for a treat in the television version of Ultra Maniac.

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