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Green Green OVA

Genre: Comedy/Romance
Company: Media Factory
Format: 1 OVA
Dates: 12/20/2002

Hananoka Academy is a female-only school, and all of the girls were excited when they learned that a group of boys from Kaneone Academy was sent to study with them for a week. However, they were not expecting countryside boys, especially two from the group who happen to be perverts.

summary by Eek


Reviewed: 11/13/2003 by
Grade: 65% av-Eek

Highs: Very funny at times; has further potential

Lows: Run-of-the-mill; a little too much fan service; most characters are merely names

Being an introduction to the Green Green television series, Green Green OVA brings its share to the table and shows whether a full-blown series may be worth your time.

From a romantic aspect, Green Green OVA is a bit lacking despite the time spent feigning any romance between the males and females of the show; from a comedic aspect, it has more than its fair share of laughs and chuckles to go around. While some of the humor seems directly derived from Love Hina, it has its own take on jokes and succeeds. If nothing else, it shows off quite some potential for a television series to have and would be interesting to see some characters get developed more than one OVA can allow.

If there is one thing Green Green OVA does not excel at, that is the fact that it does not push itself to be anything better than what it is. While its short length puts a damper on any serious development, it still feels like many other romantic comedies that anime has to offer. Also, like many romantic comedies created these days, it seems that fan service must be a part of the comedy to some extent. While not terribly degrading, I think there was a bit too much fan service being provided when it could have put some more focus on the romance. As if that was not enough, there are quite a few characters introduced and being thrown around. While a name may be slapped on each character, a lot of them remain as just that: a name.

I cannot say that continuing and watching a television series of Green Green OVA would enrich my life any, but this may be something for others to watch. There is quite a lot of potential in it, but just do not expect anything revolutionary.

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