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Dragon Half

Genre: Comedy
Company: Kadokawa Shoten
Format: 2 OVA
Dates: 3/26/1993 to 5/28/1993

Mink is the child of a human father and a dragon mother. Weird combination, for sure, but what makes it even more ironic is that she’s infatuated with a dragon slayer hero called Dick Saucer. When Saucer-san makes a local appearance, Mink goes to any lengths to get a ticket to see her idol in person. The local king, however, has put a bounty on her head, making her quest mighty difficult indeed.

summary by Kain


Reviewed: 04/09/2004 by
Grade: 72% av-Kain

Highs: Comedy that Slayers wished it was; great overacting by seiyuu cast

Lows: Much too short; no real story to speak of

Ah, Dragon Half. For such a short anime (only two OVA), it’s just as fun today as it was ten years ago. In fact, out of all the fantasy-based comedies out there, Dragon Half may be the funniest… much to the chagrin of Slayers fans, I’m sure.

Slayers blows this anime out of the water with just one aspect: story. In fact, any anime with a story will have a better plot than this anime… that’s because there is none to speak of. 

Anyone expecting to have their brain cells tested will want to look elsewhere. Dragon Half is all about mindless hilarity, something that it is very good at. Two things helped tremendously in making this a funny show. The first is the extreme use of super deformity; if you detest “normally” proportioned characters transforming into big-headed, chubby ones, then steer clear. I found it to be well done, as it enhances the laughs. The second factor is the great voice acting, led by the ever-hyper Mitsuishi Kotono as the irrepressible Mink. However, Otsuka Akio stole the show with his sidesplitting funny, deadpan delivery in the role of the incompetent knight Damaramu.

Being such a short anime, there really is no reason why an otaku shouldn’t add this fan favorite to his or her collection. Being such a short anime based off of a much longer manga makes it lacking, however, so keep that in mind when watching.


Dragon Half can be downloaded legally in the United States HERE.



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